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Artist Donations

Dear Friend in Hope:


Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic have impacted nonprofit organizations around the
globe and caused them all to develop creative fundraising tactics. Josh's Hope is no
different. So many events we planned this past year had to either be canceled or moved to an online platform. 


Typically, we participate in multiple alternative gift markets year round, plus host our own events and online store, which historically raises a significant part of our annual budget. Amazingly, we succeeded in meeting our fundraising goals last year, despite the pandemic, largely due to support from people like you.


Josh’s Hope Foundation, Inc. invites you to participate in our second annual Bid for Hope (B4H) online auction. The auction is our cornerstone fundraising event with a goal of raising $20,000 to help provide resources and hope to young adults living with a mental illness or substance disorder and their families. This year’s B4H takes place from Sunday, October 24 through Sunday, November 7, 2021. 

Bid for Hope offers guests the opportunity to bid on original art in a variety of mediums created by renowned and award-winning artists. All auction items will be available for bidding during the entirety of the 2-week event. In addition to original art, our auction will feature many other items, including gift certificates from area businesses, handcrafted art, jewelry, collectibles, vacation destinations and entertainment. We would like to add you to the list. All donations receive special recognition on the organization’s website at and on the online event page. Businesses and individuals who donate items valued at $250 or more will additionally receive logo or name recognition on the event website. 


If a donation is possible, provide the following information so we can start building our auction site. Also, feel free to share this information with other artists you think might like to be a part of this event.

  • Description of item

  • Artist/donor information

  • Photos of the item

  • Value

  • Starting bid (lowest price we can accept).


Thanks for all the support you have given Josh's Hope. Julie, the Board and I truly appreciate every one of you.

For questions, contact our B4H committee chairman, Jordan Shamp, at or email Steve Bailey at or call Steve at 919.245.0072. 


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